Friday, January 20, 2012

More Press fwittery
Base jumper Jeb Corliss jumped off Table Mountain in a wingsuit, and something went horribly wrong - either a gust of wind or possibly his foot catching on an outcrop - so he did not so much fly as plummet back to earth. He is recovering and stated to be in a stable condition. Here's the quote that has me scratching my head.
"Officials in South Africa have said the California-born stuntman could face criminal charges or a fine following his Table Mountain leap.
A spokeswoman for the flat-topped mountain said base jumping was banned there due to safety concerns."

Mountains have spokeswomen?

Point 1 : " "If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn't have went down like it did," he said. "
It's GONE down, Mark, GONE down.
Point 2 : " "There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, 'OK, we're going to land somewhere safely, don't worry.'" "

It's a matter of record that when the terrorists who piloted those planes into the Twin Towers were learning to fly, they made it clear that they weren't interested in learning to land; and it has always bothered me that this did not raise a red flag in their instructors' minds. Given that in order to take over control of the planes the first thing that the terrorists would have had to do was to incapacitate the pilots and co-pilots, leaving the plane in the hands of two men who didn't know how to land, just how is Mark planning to land somewhere safely?

Deals with the enterprising Aussie snack maker who wanted to come up with an iconic Aussie name for their new nut snack and the resulting legal case. All interesting enough but the last paragraph raises my eyebrows by sharing this :

"The edible snack, which contains nuts, will only be sold in pubs, nightclubs and other entertainment venues."

Glad we got that cleared up then. You wouldn't want inedible snacks in pubs.

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