Sunday, January 22, 2012

Why you should listen to your mother, Part 17

So, it's JP's birthday and  they're all off to Spookers, House of Horror extraordinaire (I am told). You have to be 16 to get in, as the voucher informs me when I book his ticket. It also informs me that you are expected to wear sensible footwear. Now, getting Michael to wear shoes at all is a mission, but he will wear his Rockies sandals if forced. Sensible footwear sounds to me more like it involves socks. With some trouble I persuade him to include a bag involving socks and shoes among the other essentials for a night out (horrid plastic and steel models, dices of many sides, codex, laptop, oh and maybe a toothbrush). I also ask him to check that he has his student ID with his DOB on it.

It goes like this :

"Mum, it's in my wallet!"
"Have you checked that?"
"Mum, we're going to be late!"

Come 7.30, we the not-Spookers are sitting down to supper. Shani's birthday present rings. (Samsung Smartphone). It's a stealth call from her brother.

"Can you go find my passport?"

After a few Bzuh? moments, she establishes that he needs a photo of the page which proves his age, because, no surprises, the student ID is not in his wallet. So the plan is, Shani photographs this page with her birthday present and sends it to PK's phone (PK has the same phone) and PK displays this to the vigilant gentleman guarding the entrance. None of which is to be noticed by the parent who is so going to say "I TOLD you so!"  the next day.  Yes, he's clever, but not smart. Followers of this blog will also understand why sending the photograph to Michael's phone is not a practical possibility.

The lasting problem for Michael, though, is that his passport has expired. A lot. The photo in it is the one taken just before we left England; a tremendously cute 7 year old beaming chubbily at the camera. Which is now on PK's phone.  And if anyone thinks that's where it's going to stay, you haven't been in close contact with a bunch of 16 year old schoolboys recently.

I foresee a lot of cheek-pinching in Michaels' future.

Also note the footwear. Apparently Spookers agrees with me on the sensible footwear front.

l-r Molly, Will, JP, Peculiar Person, PK, Michael.

Friday, January 20, 2012

More Press fwittery
Base jumper Jeb Corliss jumped off Table Mountain in a wingsuit, and something went horribly wrong - either a gust of wind or possibly his foot catching on an outcrop - so he did not so much fly as plummet back to earth. He is recovering and stated to be in a stable condition. Here's the quote that has me scratching my head.
"Officials in South Africa have said the California-born stuntman could face criminal charges or a fine following his Table Mountain leap.
A spokeswoman for the flat-topped mountain said base jumping was banned there due to safety concerns."

Mountains have spokeswomen?

Point 1 : " "If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn't have went down like it did," he said. "
It's GONE down, Mark, GONE down.
Point 2 : " "There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, 'OK, we're going to land somewhere safely, don't worry.'" "

It's a matter of record that when the terrorists who piloted those planes into the Twin Towers were learning to fly, they made it clear that they weren't interested in learning to land; and it has always bothered me that this did not raise a red flag in their instructors' minds. Given that in order to take over control of the planes the first thing that the terrorists would have had to do was to incapacitate the pilots and co-pilots, leaving the plane in the hands of two men who didn't know how to land, just how is Mark planning to land somewhere safely?

Deals with the enterprising Aussie snack maker who wanted to come up with an iconic Aussie name for their new nut snack and the resulting legal case. All interesting enough but the last paragraph raises my eyebrows by sharing this :

"The edible snack, which contains nuts, will only be sold in pubs, nightclubs and other entertainment venues."

Glad we got that cleared up then. You wouldn't want inedible snacks in pubs.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I am most horribly afraid..

...that the excellent Ms Charlaine Harris has chosen to wind up her "Grave" series with the latest book (OK, latest to me; I use the library rather than the bookstore!) "Grave Secret". She hasn't said she is doing so; she ends the book with lines that make it clear the story goes on, but the book just has a winding-up feel to it, and it saddens me. Harper Connelly, heroine of the series, is one of the most appealing literary characters I've found; she's a fighter who has survived and continues to survive appalling circumstances and prejudice, and the whole story so far is a beautifully put-together jigsaw; and that's what bothers me about this last book; she dropped the last piece of the jigsaw into place.
And yet, and yet. There's Babylon 5. I loved this series; the storytelling was magnificent and it came to an end when the story ended, and nobody milked it, even though fans would have liked them to. Maybe that's the trick of a memorable story; and Ms Harris is a memorable storyteller.

Bother.I was right.

From her FB page :

"To clarify, there will be another Sookie after "Deadlocked," which comes out this May. It's nice to know that lots of readers will miss her, but it's not a good idea to extend a series beyond its natural life.
 I don't have plans to write any more books about Harper Connelly or Lily Bard."

I am disappoint.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The More Sources and Insiders, The Less News

Tag : And this is news because….?

Some unknown chef (described as a ‘celebrity’ though I’ve never heard of him) split with his partner, who I’ve also never heard of, and is now boyfriending Nicky Watson, who I have heard of, though she says she doesn’t want to be famous (hint : in that case, don’t announce to the media that you have attempted suicide, used hard drugs, had threesomes,  watched pornography from a young age and forgotten to wear underwear at high-visibility outdoor events) and said partner has provided all the input for this article describing her shock and failure to understand her ex’s new relationship. She concludes the article by saying, “I don’t care. I am just getting on with my life and they can go to it.”

Um…..okay then. She doesn’t care so much there’s an entire news article about the matter and I am still wondering what is newsworthy about any of it.

Tag : How DO these people know so much?

So this one has to do with the reported relationship problems between Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis.

Although I think ‘reported’ may be a flattering adjective, if you actually read this article. There are some in-depth insights into the situation from, respectively,  “A Source”, “The Insider”, and the RadarOnline website. Yes,  that website so well-acquainted with the mind of Johnny Depp that they have published a photo featuring the face of Depp and Paradis’s eldest child right against the express and clear wishes of Johnny Depp.  The article is full of ‘reportedly’, ‘speculation’, ‘apparently’, ‘suggests’, ‘claimed’, which means  the following are all the actual facts I can glean from it.

·         The couple have been together since 1998.

·         They have two children together.

·         Radar Online have cobbled together some story about them to put on their website.

I knew the first two and I don’t give a flying about the third, except to wonder once more where the tribe known as Sources lives. Probably right next to the Encampment of the Insiders.

And backing this up in supreme irony, not to mention fwittery, follows this gem :

Now the focus of this article is that Katy Perry has made a clear statement that unless she says it herself it is not a fact. No Sources, no Insiders. Well, OK, she Tweeted it, but you get my point.

And – wait for it – “Sources close to told TMZ the moving process is already under way and most of [Brand’s] belongings are already out of the home”. Excuse me, WHAT was the article about again?

“Friends said the singer had asked….” Etc

“Other rumours say….” Etc

Oh stuff this, my brain is starting to hurt. Let me count :

Sources                :               1

Friends Say         :               3

Rumours Say      :               1

Reportedly         :               1

Katy, it’s a brick wall.

Sent to the Press Office of Sony Ericsson

If Chuck Norris had a phone, it would look like this.

My son is incredibly hard on mobile phones, which then seem to stay alive and keep working for him; probably out of morbid curiosity. Or possibly masochism.

He once dropped one in the toilet and, working on the 1-second rule, snatched it out again (I hasten to add he'd only gone in there to wash his hands and it shot out of his pocket when he bent to wash his face) and switched it off and on.

It worked for another two years. It did emit a gurgle with each bleep, but was entirely dependable, except as an alarm clock. In its defense, not many devices do work as alarm clocks on my son, including alarm clocks. Particularly alarm clocks.

This one has remained intact for at least a year, defying all odds, until midway through the last school term. He bent over to pet a little dog on his way from school. The phone fell out (hence some cracks) and the little dog promptly fell on it and attacked it (hence the missing bits in front and the rest of the cracks). There was a moment or two while everyone watched the dog whip the phone around, smash it down, scrabble at it with its paws and bite it; and then there was a tug-of war which my son finally won.

No-one quite knows what grudge the dog held against the phone; it's apparently usually very friendly and gentle. Perhaps it is employed by Apple.

Anyway, this time he waited until he got home and could tape the phone back together before switching it on.

It has been working fine ever since.

Anyway, I see a real opportunity for Sony Ericsson here.

You could use these pictures to demonstrate how tough your phones are.

Or you could use my son to test the same thing.

I look forward to hearing from you.