Monday, November 14, 2011

Appropriate Acronym

Out of habit and a certain tendency toward masochism, I always search the local news websites for 'leaky'; and this morning that resulted in an advertising link to a website that would explain the implications of the FAP.

No, really.
I followed it and discovered that this is the chosen acronym for the Financial Assistance Package which is the latest Government scheme to make leaky home owners morally and financially responsible for the state of their homes. Basically : New Zealand suffers from a huge leaky home problem because the Government undermined the safety checks in the building industry and the local Councils who earn a great deal of money from the inspection processes legally required in the construction of a house failed hopelessly in those processes; so now the Government plans to pay 50% of the amount it will cost to fix the problem, the Councils will pay a further 25% and it is for the homeowner to find the rest. Oh, and you get the money AFTER the house has been fixed, so you can imagine the builders lining up for that bargain; that's if you can convince the bank to lend you 25% of the total cost of fixing a leaky home with that loan  being predicated on - wait, let me think - oh yes, a LEAKY HOME. Good luck with that one.
So all in all, given the colloquial meaning of FAP, perhaps it is an apt acronym after all.

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