Friday, August 12, 2011

Things that annoy me about the All Black rugby jersey fruckus

OK, let me start by saying that the MOST annoying thing about the news articles following the matter is the continuing pandering to the insistence of A Certain Sports Brand that their name is not capitalised. Adidas (see, I can do it, it follows a fullstop) have a permanent ban on following the common dictates of grammar.Sigh.
"In English, we capitalise words that are proper nouns—that is, they describe a specific thing or entity. They could be a title, a name, or a specific place such as the president's residence: [THEE] White House.
We lowercase words that are considered common nouns—that is, they can be used to describe many things, such as any one of the multitude of white colored houses in the world."
Adidas, that non-specific and common sports brand, are at the centre of a controversy caused by the fact that they are charging residents of New Zealand (that country where the Rugby World Cup is being held) close to 57% more for a jersey, replica of those worn by the All Blacks (the national team of New Zealand) than they are charging anyone else in the world. Adidas New Zealand manager Dave Huggett describes this as 'fair and reasonable' because if they don't do that, they won't be able to 'invest anything in this country for the next 12 months'.
Is it just me, or does that mean New Zealanders who buy the All Black jersey will be the ones paying for all investment in New Zealand rugby for the next 12 months? We will effectively become the sponsors of the All Blacks?
Does that mean we may once again see grammatically correct sports advertising? Because if so, bring it on!
The second most annoying thing about the whole debacle is the addition of the acronym WAG to the New Zealand vernacular. WAG was first used to describe the filthy-rich, spoiled and attention-seeking coterie of football Wives And Girlfriends that did not so much follow the England football team around as try to lead it by  the - well, you know. The term has now been applied to one Nicola Grigg, girlfriend of Al Black captain Richie McCaw, who is weighing in with an opinion on the jersey debate. What does she have to say? This, on Twitter.
"Why the hell shd @adidas change it's prices?? It's like me telling Louis V I won't buy their bags anymore bcos they're too $$$."
Two salient facts.
Louis Vuitton bags cost anywhere between $570 and $5802.
Louis Vuitton had not, last time I checked, established an international reputation for rugby.
I would have called this next statement a fact except it's an opinion : the fashion industry is the worst waste of space in the world and its immediate demise would affect few people per capita, and just possibly would lead to luvvies everywhere raising their eyes from their swollen egos and noticing that many people in the world have Real Problems Not Of Their Own Doing. Death, disease, daily terror, deprivation and despair just for instance.
The notion of Ms Grigg righteously refusing to pay for an overpriced piece of baggage makes me chortle; because trust me, if she won't pay for it, some other fool will only be too happy to be parted from their money. At least, I hope it's her money she is notionally going to retain. After all if the only money That Sporting Company can spare to invest in New Zealand in the next year is the profit it is making off New Zealand rugby supporters, I'd prefer to see it funnelled into rugby than overpriced toys for overgrown spoilt teenage girls.

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