Monday, August 29, 2011

So, on the theme of Annoying Things that Annoy me is one of my favourites.

Given the two facts that motorists are meant to be keeping their eyes on the road ahead and that the Western mind is inclined to read down from the top of the page, I do not know WHO came up with the notion that the word order in road markings should be reversed, so that you end up blinking stupidly over the bonnet and wondering where the "Give" is in "Give Way". The answer is : under your tyres.
Why do they bother doing an eye test for a New Zealand road licence, when clearly the common condition is supposed to be shortsightedness?
Or do they assume, in these days of the Nanny State where Big Brother wil do your thinking for you, that we only have enough mental capacity to process the meaning of one word at a time?
In which case the road marking outside the Corelli School says it all.




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