Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spam, spam, spam, spam...

So, in my inbox this morning along with several offers of a certain manhood-enhancing product and the delightful news that I have won USD 9 million for having the right Vodafone number, was my unasked-for horoscope. I swear, they must use random word generators.
Hi Wilna,
Hey – give her credit – she doesn’t even know me and she spelt my name right! This is more than can be said for an awful lot of people I deal with on a daily basis!
Sadly, from here it’s all downhill.
I am Gloria, I am a medium from the site in Spain. This site is very famous on the other side of the Pyrenees.
Going by my map of the world, Spain is south of the Pyrenees, as am I, albeit considerably  further south.  Think penguins. Okay, just short of the penguins.
I have been initiated to the meduimnity
..okay, that's a first. Maybe she meant mediocrity?
first by my grand-mother, and then, I have learned the taralogy
...the what? Is that meant to be the  ability to read Tarot cards?  I didn’t know it was an ology.
and astrology with well-known teachers. Today, it became my only activity
...meaning she gave up on meduimnity and taralogy, but not spamming? I can understand why she gave up on the geography, anyway.
and at the beginning of the year, I wanted to let you enjoy for free my predictions for the following month.
Last time I checked, Spain was still celebrating New Year at the same time as us, which was kinda six weeks ago. Predictions after the event are called reflections.
Here is what you can expect:
On the affective level, on the second fifteen of January,
The rugby second fifteen I understand. The second fifteen of January is not connecting with any known concept in my mind.
you will be strongly influenced by your circle, so much that you will start doubting about yourself. A need of independence brings you a  feeling of beeing unuseful.
I've never met an unuseful bee.
It’s in beeing more flexible
..a flexible bee, maybe...
that you will improve your affective life. Some decisions will have to be taken and these decisions will have consequences on your future.
About work, your situation is evoluating doing what? Darwin is puzzled somewhere.
positively, but very slowly. I can see in your profil a curb,
Yep, that's where I catch the bus every day
someone is trying to slow you down. This situation has last for a while now and begins to irritate you seriously.
Okay, she’s  a  year too late for that
Financially you are stable for now,
I get why you gave up on the meduimnity now.
but you are waiting for an amount of money that is taken more time to arrive than it was planed
Yes, I was planing on being born into it.
Unfortunately, I think that you can’t count on that before the second part of the year. It is not possible for me to tell you exactly when siince I don’t have all the elements on you yet. Call me to give me the elements I’m missing concerning your situation and I’ll be able to give you a exact date.
I want to show you the way of success, rather it is on the affective, professional or financial plan. I can bring you all the clarifications you need. Don’t wait, call me.
Talk to you soon, Gloria.
It's a good thing you gave up on the  meduimnity. I suspect we will not be talking, soon or any other time.

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