Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's Not My Problem

So, here it is, Jan 1st 2011. Today I have spoken to four people; my husband, leaving for golf, my son, leaving for Warhammer. My daughter, not leaving for anywhere. And Chris.
Three years ago, I sold Chris my beloved retro Suzuki 250. I bought it from Holeshot Suzuki on the North Shore, and I used it for the work commute after Paul was made redundant; it saved us huge amounts in petrol (it cost a whopping $6 to fill it in those days and it needed filling once a week).
After a bad fall at Viponds Road (I was in the left lane, a van in the right lane decided he needed to go left, it had been raining off and on and the road surface was slippery) I lost my confidence (I used to ride a 500 but that was back when I was 22 and immortal and now I have children) so Volty got sold.
I had it serviced first and WOF'd (that's MOT'd for you in the UK and serviced-by-legal-requirement everywhere else in the world) by Holeshot.
A year later, after Chris had been riding it to work and back at Helensville military base, he took it for a WOF somewhere that wasn't Holeshot. It failed.It has a right American headlight; which as you can imagine in a country that nominally drives on the left is all wrong. I'm only thankful that the times of day it was being driven meant that Chris was never in danger.
What stopped me in my tracks was this : I thought a WOF was a WOF, no matter where you went in New Zealand. This revealed that there are lax standards in some places, which only get picked up when you go to other places. This fact was highlighted when Chris went back to Holeshot Suzuki, who claimed that the VIN number on the motorbike wasn't on their database.
The famous refrain, yet again. It's Not My Problem.
Chris, thankfully, does not give up easy.
He contacted Suzuki New Zealand, who looked up the VIN number (I know from my time working for Nissan UK that VIN numbers ARE unique) and confirmed that it was imported by Holeshot Suzuki and was therefore their responsibility.
Holeshot have since replaced the headlight at their own cost. I do not have feedback from Chris about how happy they were to do this.
It seems a lot of American-built bikes of the same type were imported at this time.
How many other bike-owners out there are at risk, because it is Not My Problem?

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