Friday, January 7, 2011

As the Facebook Turns

Intrigued to find one Stefan Salvatore on my daughters’ Facebook friends list (yes, I stalk my daughter to make sure she’s talking to people I know about)  I clicked on his picture. This solved the mystery; he is apparently married to my daughters’ school friend. So that’s all right then, so long as he isn’t a stranger. And he has a brother, which is reassuring, particularly as the brother is a billionaire who apparently studied at Harvard. Ah, Facebook, where would we be without you?
Since my coffee was by now cold, I typed the name Stefan Salvatore into Google, which led me to IMDB, which  in turn revealed that the two brothers in question are characters in a TV series, called The Vampire Diaries. What with the title being a bit of a spoiler and all, I read the provided storyline, and fell over dead.
Carlisle Cullen and his coven Two vampire brothers, eternal adolescents, have been leading 'normal' lives, hiding their bloodthirsty condition, for centuries, moving on to Forks before their non-aging is noticed. They are back in the Virginia town where they became vampires, as high school students. Edward Angel Stefan is noble, denying himself blood to avoid killing, and tries to control his evil brother Spike Jasper Damon. Edward Angel Stefan falls in love with schoolgirl Buffy Bella Elena, whose best friend Willow is a witch, like her grandma.”
I swear,  my ribs are aching. The possibilities are just endless. The Corner Lurking Loss Support Society! The Spell and Study Glee Club!
I had to do it. I had to go and read the episode guide, and it improved the already-surreal quality of my life tremendously.
“We meet the orphans, Sookie and Jason Elena and Jeremy Gilbert who are living with their grandmother aunt Jenna in Mystic Falls, Virginia. Elena is adjusting to her new life by taking lessons from Buffy making entries in her journal in the local cemetery and hanging out with her friends Bonnie and Caroline. Jason Jeremy, on the other hand, enjoys dealing drugs, getting high and chasing after anything in a skirt Vicki Donovan who is more into Jeremy's friend Tyler.”
Bless them, there’s a Tyler. Please tell me he has a crushable van?
“The episode ends with Bill Angel Stefan going over to Sookie’s Buffy’s Elena's house and getting invited in!”
Edward could FIX this for you, guys. You could totally bypass the inviting stuff! Edward, remember the oil for the window!
I started to read Episode 2 and I gave up because my mascara is now all over my desk and I don’t think I can stand very much more. I leave you with this :
“We are then brought to see Edward and Bella Stefan and Elena writing about liking each other in Twilight and Midnight Sun their diaries and being busted in English History class for staring at each other.”
I have found a new cure for depression.

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