Friday, April 13, 2012

copper and corks

What an interesting week.
School holidays began, with much choccie from the Easter Bunny.
I discovered that this ideal little corner of teh globe harbours vultures who will prey on a man trying to save costs by doing some of the building of his future home by stealing into said unfinished home and stripping out his copper wiring and tubes to sell on. This forces said already exhausted man to sleep in the shell of his home to stop the thieves. That's throw-up-worthy sickening. All we could do to help was to have his daughter stay over here so he only had one body to worry about in case of incursions. Nice one, human vultures.
For the first time since I've been travelling on the ferry, it had to turn around on Wednesday night. Big easterly wind, waves 2.5 metres and rising, the skipper couldn't see where he was going. The phrase 'bobbing about like a cork' became clear to me, except corks don't really mind which way is up and I rather did. We had to turn around and sail back to Auckland, where they piled us on the more majestic Tiri Cat and sent us back up the Rangitoto Channel. All that was missing was spread arms and "Every night I see you...." from the prow.

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