Tuesday, February 14, 2012

On human nature

Hmm, we live in interesting times; and I find once again you learn a lot more about people by listening to them than talking to them. Ruthlessness exists in the most unlikely people. Sometimes we assume that the time we invest in other people's children will result in consideration for ours; this is not so in many cases. I have just walked away saddened by a real-life example of people who would rather see me cancel something that is important to my daughter than have to inconvenience themselves. I wouldn't say I've lost my faith in human nature (insofar as it ever existed) but I have realised just how unsafe it is to bank on that nature being benevolent.

For so many years now, I've investigated the best ways to deal with communal parental difficulties by working together; this mostly involves me spending my time and organising logistics - CDs, photocopying; that sort of thing - and clearly there's no return on investment here.

I don't think this will stop me from helping people who ask for help; but it has made me think twice about reaching out and helping people. Which is a shame, because some degree of isolation and cynicism had started lifting.

On a lighter note...

"A South African man who claims to be the resurrected figure of one the country's best known - and dead - has charged with fraud, South African police say."

(Nobody is telling us what he charged, although the oversight is understandable in light of his status as the resurrected figure of one of the country's best known and dead idols.).

"The man mounted a police truck to explain to the crowd that he had been kidnapped by zombies who had kept him trapped in remote cave."

(Of which there is only one?)

"Doubts were also raised about the fact that the 'resurrected' singer no longer had his distinctive gold tooth and that the deep scars on his face appeared to have healed."

This is what I adore about this story. They frown about his missing gold tooth and some healed scars, but the zombie kidnap and detention bit; yep, we're totally down with that.

No! He was not!

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