Sunday, November 21, 2010

Harry Potter and the Thoughtful Mother

So, HP and the DH.
It was an illuminating experience; pun intended. Mainly 'cause I attended it in company of a large chunk of the school my kids go to, ungrammatically, meaning I wasn't quite prepared for the proportions of the cheer that went up when Harry Got His Kit Off. Well, most of it. No cruelty to horses was involved, though I did feel very sorry for the camera crew. You can imagine my perplexion some moments later when Ron's face swam (ha! - I see what I did there!) into view and the cheers were twice as loud. He was fully clothed at the time. It may be a New Zealand thing; but the female populace is very much Team Ron. I will not go into the noises that ensued when Harry and Hermione went all Ring-Galadriel-fanfic on us.
Things I Might Not Have Heard From A More Mature Audience.
"Voldemort is Michael Jackson. Unnaturally pale, no nose, displays an unhealthy interest in teenage boys. "
"OMG, is that actually how they actually dance in actual England?"
Sob. SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB (Dobby died. Sorry if that's a spoiler)
"That'd be a WICKED tattoo, I'm getting it Monday" (torn between agreeing and alerting police since subject is definitely no older than14).
Effects are WICKED (I quote). I would certainly agree, especially on the snake front. Apparently our shrieks were heard in the next cinema; admittedly we do have on our side the Shriek Queen. According to my Beloved Son, her spider scream  (school camp)  travelled two mountains. In winter.
I will say an awed word for the animation on the retelling of the Three Brothers, from the Tales of Beadle the Bard.  If you had wandered into the cinema in the middle of that sequence you would not have known where you were. They were surreal, beautiful, terrifying and succint.
What occupies my mind now is the level of giggling that went with the ten-inch wand line.
Movie good, though.

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