What that says is “My body belongs to me and is not the
source of the honour of anyone”
What it means is a death sentence for the young woman
“The Wahabi Salafi preacher Almi Adel, head of the almost
comically titled Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice,
warned Tunisian newspaper Kapitalis, "Her act could bring about an
epidemic. It could be contagious and give ideas to other women. It is therefore
necessary to isolate [the incident]. I wish her to be healed."
Healed? She’s not sick. Admittedly she’s been placed in a
psychiatric hospital against her own will by her family.
And how does he plan to heal her?
"The young lady should be punished according to sharia,
with 80 to 100 lashes, but [because of] the severity of the act she has
committed, she deserves to be stoned to death."
Because that’ll fix any disease.
It’s not often I do this. I don’t know how much effect
petitions have on hardcore organised religion. But here’s a link for signing a
petition directed at Amnesty International in Tunisia :
Original article here :