Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Saving Amina


What that says is “My body belongs to me and is not the source of the honour of anyone”

What it means is a death sentence for the young woman pictured.

“The Wahabi Salafi preacher Almi Adel, head of the almost comically titled Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, warned Tunisian newspaper Kapitalis, "Her act could bring about an epidemic. It could be contagious and give ideas to other women. It is therefore necessary to isolate [the incident]. I wish her to be healed."

Healed? She’s not sick. Admittedly she’s been placed in a psychiatric hospital against her own will by her family.

And how does he plan to heal her?

"The young lady should be punished according to sharia, with 80 to 100 lashes, but [because of] the severity of the act she has committed, she deserves to be stoned to death."

Because that’ll fix any disease.

It’s not often I do this. I don’t know how much effect petitions have on hardcore organised religion. But here’s a link for signing a petition directed at Amnesty International in Tunisia :

Original article here :

Monday, March 25, 2013

Maybe that's what killed off the dinosaurs..

This made my morning.

I can't resist a headline that reads, "Spiky Stegosaurus mated in missionary position to avoid male being castrated'. And I thought black widow spiders and praying mantises were harsh. Apparently "some species adopted the position to avoid the potentially lethal spikes on the rears of the females."

Here's the best bit :
"Heinrich Mallison, a scientist at the Museum of Natural History in Berlin, tested out the theory by designing computer models of kentrosaurus, a cousin of stegosaurus"

And then he used the computer models to prove what the headline says. Dinosaur porn, y'all. And then there was an argument, because that's what scientists do. The other half argue that the male continued to mount the female but just grew very long organs. Like, six feet long.

And that's when I cracked up, because how many castrated dinosaurs did it take for evolution to step in and turn them into porn stars? Imagine the number of disconsolate dinsaurs wandering about staring mournfully at Dat Stiff, Spiky Ass, and not being able to do anything about it?

And the argument will continue, because fossils are all we've got left; and that bit of the dinosaur is soft tissue so it doesn't so much fossilise as decay.

The last word belongs to Brian Switek, a dinosaur expert, who says, "We have never found a fossilised phallus, but doing so would solve many mysteries.'

Let the Hunt for the Dinosaur Dong begin!
Who are you calling soft?!